airick journey crabill BOOKS BLOG BIO
student outcomes don't change
until adult behaviors change
airick journey crabill BOOKS BLOG BIO



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School Boards Can Make A Difference!

Educational policy leaders, philanthropic leaders, business leaders, and more often suggest that school boards can't make a difference regarding student outcomes. Increasingly, however, the academic and professional literature disagrees with this notion. There are behaviors that school boards engage in that can create the conditions for improvements in student outcomes. Of course, the behaviors suggested only work if school boards implement them with fidelity, so many boards will need support and coaching. But my experience suggests that most boards are willing to change if they see an opportunity to improve student outcomes. Here's a sampling of the growing evidence base:
  • Factors That Influence School Board Actions to Support Student Achievement: A Multi-Case Study of High-Achieving Rural School Districts, Colleen Timm (2012):

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